Anuradha Mandal

Career Coach


CISF : Important and Essential Information

CISF AC (Exe) LDCE: The Central Industrial Security Force Assistant Commandants Executive Limited Departmental Competitive Exam (CISF AC( EXE) LDCE) examination is a national level exam.


This exam is conducted for the recruitment of Assistant Commandants (Executive) in Central Industrial Security Force( CISF) by the  Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).



Highlights of CISF AC (Exe) LDCE  

Exam Central Industrial Security Force Assistant Commandants( Executive) Limited Departmental Competitive Exam CISF AC (Exe) LDCE
Organizing body Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Name of the post Assistant Commandants (Executive)
Organization Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
Frequency Once a year
Selection process Written test, Physical Efficiency Test, Interview
Official website



UPSC generally releases the date of Central Industrial Security Force Assistant Commandants Executive Limited Departmental Competitive Exam (CISF AC( EXE) LDCE in the month of December.


Aspirants willing to appear for this exam can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Event Month
CISF AC (Exe) LDCE  Notification December
CISF AC (Exe) LDCE  Admit Card February
CISF AC (Exe) LDCE  Exam March
CISF AC (Exe) LDCE  Interview July
CISF AC (Exe) LDCE August


Eligibility Criteria: CISF


Nationality Only Citizens of India will be eligible
Both males and females are eligible to apply for this exam
Educational Qualification


Candidate must hold a Bachelor or equivalent degree from a recognized University
NCC’B’ or ‘C’ Certificate will be a desirable qualification
Appearing candidates are also eligible for this exam.
Age Minimum age -20 years

Maximum age -35 years

Relaxation for reserved categories :

SC/ST: 5 years

OBC    : 3 years

Physical Standards  & Medical Standards

Physical Standard: Following are the minimum requirement for all the categories :

Men Women
Height 165 cms (Gen & SC) 157 cms (Gen & SC)
162.5 cms (ST) 154 cms (ST)
Chest( Unexpanded) 81 cms (wit minimum 5 cms expansion)
Weight 50 kg 46 kg


Medical Standards

A.       Eyesight Better Eye (Corrected vision) Worse eye (Corrected vision)
Distant vision 6/6 or 6/9 6/12 or 6/9
Near vision N6 (Corrected) N9 (Corrected)
Limits of Refractive errors permitted -4.00 D (including cylinder ) Myopia

+4.00 D (including cylinder) Hypermetropia

B.      Carrying Angle Carrying angle should not be more than 15” for males and 20” for female
C.      Ear Candidates should not have any degree of deafness or ear discharge.
Note: Candidate should not have stammering, TB, Arthritis, high blood sugar, Diabetics, Asthma, or any kind of heart disease.


Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

Candidates who meet the above-mentioned physical and medical standards are allowed to sit the Physical efficiency Test.

  • This test is only a qualifying test and does not carry any marks, failure in the test will amount to disqualification.
  • PET will be conducted under the supervision of CISF.
  • A pregnant female candidate at the time of the PET test will be disqualified.
Male Female
100 Meters Race In 16 seconds In 18 seconds
800 Meters Race In 3 minutes, 45 seconds In 4 minutes, 45 seconds
Long Jump 3.5 Meters (3 chances) 3.0 Meters (3 chances)
Shot Put (7.26 kgs) 4.50 Meters



The exam pattern of the Central Industrial Security Force Assistant Commandants Executive Limited Departmental Competitive Exam (CISF AC( EXE) LDCE is as follows :

Phase I: Written Test

Paper Maximum Marks Duration Language
Paper 1: General Ability and Intelligence and Professional 300 2.30 Hours English & Hindi
Paper 2: Essay, Precis, Writing  & Comprehension 100 2.00 Hours Essay – English & Hindi.

Rest in English

Total 400


Phase II: Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Standard Test.

Male Female
100 Meters Race In 16 seconds In 18 seconds
800 Meters Race In 3 minutes, 45 seconds In 4 minutes, 45 seconds
Long Jump 3.5 Meters (3 chances) 3.0 Meters (3 chances)
Shot Put (7.26 kgs) 4.50 Meters


Phase III: Personal Interview /Personal Ability Test.

Candidates who qualify for the Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Standard Test are called for the Personal Interview round. The total marks for the interview are 150. The final letter will be issued post all the above selection processes.


Getting into a good college is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





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IELTS : Most Popular And On Demand Exam

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized English language competency test designed for people who want to study or work abroad where the language of communication is English. It was established in 1989 and is the most popular English language certificate in the world.


It uses a band scale to identify the level of proficiency, with band score 1 considered as non-user and band score -9 considered to be an expert. There are around 10,000 tests locations in more than 140 countries carrying almost 2 million tests every year. More than 9000 organizations across the globe accept this certificate as proof of proficiency in the English Language.


The exam mainly checks the capability of the test takers’ communication in the four basic English language skills, like listening, reading, speaking & writing.

Most the countries like the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand accept the IELTS score for admission to the university.


IELTS Exam: Need and Advantages


The IELTS Exam is needed for admission in universities, colleges and also for career and immigration purposes. This exam is important as the foreign universities and visa granting authorities want to get sure that one does not face communication problems while staying in the country.


The exam is not mandatory as many universities might not even accept the IELTS score for admission. But your chance of getting a student visa may decrease as the visa officer may not be convinced about your English proficiency without the IELTS score.


Therefore, it is always advisable to take the exam and focus to score at least 6 bands overall.


IELTS is jointly owned and managed by the British Council, Cambridge English Language Assessment, and IDP (International Development Program) Education Australia. There are some advantages of this exam keeping in view certain aspects. They are mentioned below :


IELTS for Study

Candidates willing to study abroad and considering undergraduate or postgraduate programs should take the IELTS Academic test. Candidate needs a higher IELTS score to enroll in advanced degrees programs like Masters or Ph.D. to demonstrate that they are quite qualified and can successfully complete a degree in English.


IELTS for Work 

Candidate looking for a visa for work abroad needs to provide proof of language proficiency. For a work visa applicant, the candidate has to achieve either competent English or vocational English language skills.


  1. For Canada, applicants should check with the organization they want to work with for their IELTS score.
  2. For New Zealand, the applicants should have an overall score of 4 or higher.
  3. For Australia, the applicant a band score of 5 is considered as vocational English, and a band score of 6 is considered as competent English Speaker.
  4. For the UK, the applicant should score at least a 6.5 score on each of the 4 components.


IELTS for Immigration

The IELTS Life Skills is a new UK government-approved Secure English Language Test (SELT) to support the UK Visas and immigration application (UKVI). This test is known as IELTS Life Skills or IELTS for UKV1. This is provided as proof in support of a UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) application.


  • For immigration to New Zealand, an overall score of 6.5 in either the Academic or the General Training modules is needed. This is strictly mandatory for visa applications.
  • For immigration to Canada, IELTS is accepted along with other standards of the Canadian Language Benchmarks.
  • For immigration to Australia, both vocational and competent English is needed by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.



Types of IELTS Exam 

1. Academic IELTS

Academic is for people applying for higher education and professional registration in disciplines like medicines, nursing, law, or engineering. The result is graded on a band score ranging from 1 to 9 for each of the four sections like reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

The result is valid for 2 years from the day one receives the result.


2. General Training IELTS

General Training is for those who want to migrate to English-speaking counties like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. This test is mainly taken by those who want to apply for secondary education, training program, or want to gain work experience in a country where English is the main language of communication. The result is graded on a band score ranging from 1 to 9 for each of the four sections like reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

The result is valid for 2 years from the day one receives the result.


3. IELTS Life Skills

This test is for UK visas and immigration and is appropriate if you wish to immigrate or have citizenship in the UK. This test only assesses the speaking and listening skills, at level A1 or B1 OF THE Common European Framework of the Reference for Languages (CEFR).

IELTS Life Skill A1 is required for applying for UK Visas and Immigration family, spouse, or partner visa, and IELTS Life Skill B1 is required for obtaining citizenship or permanent residence.

The whole motive or aim of this exam is to assess how well one can communicate in English.

This exam has two possible results: pass or fail. If one has passed the Life Skill A1 or Life Skill B1 test, then one cannot retake the exam within 2 years.

If one has failed the exam, there is no restriction on retaking the exam.


Highlights of the Exam

Exam Name IELTS
IELTS Full Form International English Language Testing System
Conducting Body British Council and IDP Education Ltd
Accepted by Most popularly by Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, also accepted by Canada and USA.
Mode of Exam Computer-delivered and Paper-based.
Score Band Band scale 1 (Lowest) to Band scale 9 (Highest)
Exam Fees Registration fees is Rs. 14,000
Official Website





Eligibility of Exam 

Anyone can appear for this exam irrespective of age, race, gender, nationality, and religion. However, it is not recommended below the age of 16 years.


Age Educational Qualification Attempts
Minimum age should be 16 years and a valid passport There is no minimum educational qualification need , anyone who wants to pursue higher studies abroad or want to work abroad can write the exam There is no set limit for the number of attempts. It is advised to not appear for the exam to no closer than once in a period of 2 months


Registration of IELTS 


IELTS test is available up to 4 times a month depending upon the demand. There is no set limit for the number of attempts.  However, it is advised to not appear for the exam to no closer than once in a period of 2 months.


The Registration fees for the exam is Rs. 14,000, every time you appear for the exam you need to register with this amount of money.  Registration can be done in both the mode, is online and offline ( In person)


Online IELTS Registration

Steps to Register for the Exam :

Step 1 : Visit the official website of IELTS.

Step 2 : Go to the button ‘Register for Test ‘ option.

Step 3: Select preferred tests, like the Test Type and available Test Date in the preferred city.

Step 4 : Fill personal details.

Step 5: Fill in registration details.

Step 6: Upload mandatory scanned documents.

Step 7 : Select the colleges where you want to send your Score report.

Step 8: Pay the registration fees.

Step 9: Take the print of the acknowledgment receipt.


Offline (In-Person)  IELTS Registration

You can register for the exam in person also by visiting the British Council Office or IDP India Office.

Office Information
British Council IDP
IELTS Administrator

17, Kasturba Gandhi Marg

New Delhi- 110001


IELTS Test Location

Flat No. 516-520, 5th Floor

International Trade Tower, Nehru Place

New Delhi -110019

Website :

IELTS Exam Pattern 

The test pattern comprises four sections-Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. You get individual score for all four sections as well as a total score. The duration of the is 2 hours and 45 minutes.


Exam Pattern
Component Description Number of Questions Duration
Listening Multiple Choice 40 30 minutes
Diagram labelling
Sentence completion
Summary completion
Reading Multiple Choice 40 60 minutes
Sentence completion
Summary completion
Matching features
Matching headings
Writing Two writing tasks 2 60 minutes
Speaking Three parts in this section 11-14 minutes


IELTS Band Score

The table below gives the description of each band along with the information about the level of English

Band Skill Level Meaning
Band 9 Expert user Has complete command of the English language.
Band 8 Very good user Has complete command in the English language with rare errors
Band 7 Good user Has good command in the English language with occasional errors and misunderstanding of words
Band 6 Competent user Has effective command in the English language with occasional errors and misunderstanding of words
Band 5 Modest user Has partial command of the English language with frequent errors and misunderstanding of words.
Band 4 Limited user Has problem in understanding and expressing. Not able to use complex language
Band 3 Extremely limited user Can understand and convey only the general meaning. Breakdown in the communication is very prominent and frequent
Band 2 Intermittent user Huge difficulty in understanding, speaking and writing English
Band 1 Non- user No ability to use the language except a few isolated words
Band 0 Did not attempt the test No information


Result of Exam 


The total IELTS score is the combination of the band score of all 4 sections.  You will receive the score based on each of the four skills of the band ranging from 1-9, and then overall band score is awarded.


Once the exam is done, the result will be declared within a few days :


Online Mode :

Intimation will be received from the test center on the day of result about result. Results can be viewed by login with ID, password, passport number & test date. The result will be available online for the next 28 days from the day the result was declared.


Offline Mode :

For the offline or paper-based test, the result will be declared within 13 calendar days from the day of your exam.


IELTS Validity period


The validity of the IELTS score is for 2 years.


Getting into a good college is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


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cda exam

CDS Exam : Simple and Exclusive Information


The Combined Defence Service is commonly known as the CDS exam conducted twice a year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for recruitment of the candidate into the following academy :


  1. Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun.
  2. Officer’s Training Academy for Women (OTA), Chennai.
  3. Officer’s Training Academy for Men (OTA), Chennai.
  4. Indian Naval Academy ( NNA), Ezhimala.
  5. Indian Air Force Academy (IAFA), Hyderabad.



Highlights of CDA (I) & (II) Exam

Exam Combined Defence Service (CDS) Examination
Organizing body Union Public Service Commission
Exam Mode Paper & Pen (Offline)
Number of Vacancies Approx.. 400
Frequency Twice a year
Selection Process Written Test & SSB Interview
Official website



UPSC generally releases the notification of the Combined Defence Service Examinations in the month of August. Aspirants willing to appear for the CDS (I) & (II) exams can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
CDS (I) Notification October
CDS (II) Notification August
CDS (I) Exam February
CDS (II) Exam November
CDS (I) Result March
CDS (II) Result December
CDS SSB Post the result of CDS(I) & CDS (II)


Eligibility Criteria of CDS Exam




1.Nationality for CDS Exam

The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the Combined Defence Services (CDS) must be either of the following :

Candidates must be a citizen of India

Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.

Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.

Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification Criteria for CDS Exam

Academy Qualification
Indian Military Academy IMA & Officer’s Training Academy Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a recognized University
Indian Naval Academy ( NNA)


Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution
Indian Air Force Academy (IAFA) Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent (with Physics & Mathematics at 10+2) from a recognized University or Bachelor’s of Engineering.


3. Age, Sex, and Marital Status for CDS Exam

Academy Age Sex Marital Status
Indian Military Academy IMA 19-24 years Male Unmarried
Officer’s Training Academy- Men SSB 19-25 years Male Unmarried
Officer’s Training Academy-Women SSB 19-25 years Female Unmarried
Indian Naval Academy ( NNA)


19-22 years Male Unmarried
Indian Air Force Academy (IAFA) 19-23 years Male Unmarried
Note: Candidate below 25 years of age must be unmarried. Married candidates above 25 years are eligible to apply. Marriage is not allowed during the training period.


4. Physical Criteria for CDS Exam

The candidate needs to be physically and mentally fit for applying in the Combined Defence Service Examination( CDS I & II ). Candidates are advised to get themselves medically examined before applying for this examination as many candidates fail to qualify for the physical test.



UPSC conducts exams in two-level as mentioned below. The candidate who clears the written test will be called for the SSB Interview exams.


CDS Exam Stage 1: Written Test 


CDS Exam (I)  & CDS Exam (II)
Category Type Negative Marking Subject Duration Maximum Marks
Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy Objective Yes English 2 hours 100
General Knowledge 2 hours 100
Elementary Mathematics 2 hours 100
Officer’s Training Academy Objective Yes English 2 hours 100
General Knowledge 2 hours 100
Note: Exam mode is offline. Question paper for Mathematics & General Knowledge will be in both the language that is English and Hindi


CDS Exam Stage 2: Intelligence & Personality Test.


SSB will conduct the Intelligence & Personality Test. The candidates who clear the written exam will be called for the Intelligence & Personality Test which comprises of the following steps to get to the final result.

Step Name of the test
Step 1 Officer Intelligence Rating (OTR) Test + Picture Perception Description Test (PP&DT)
Step 2 Interview + Group Testing Officer Tasks + Psychology Tests + Conference
Note: The personality of a candidate is assessed by The Interviewing Officer (IO), Group Testing Officer (GTO) & Psychologist. Based on their review the final letter is issued.


Career Graph of CDS Officer

Post Promotion
Lieutenant Upon Training completion.
Captain 2 years of Service
Major 6 years of Service
Lieutenant Colonel 13 years of Service
Colonel 15 years of Service
Colonel (TS) 16 years of Service
Brigadier 23 years of Service
Major General 25years of Service
Lieutenant General 28 years of Service
General No restrictions as such


Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.




Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


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National Defence Academy : Essential And Important Insights

The National Defence Academy Exam is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the three wings namely the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force.


The National Defence Academy conducts an all-India level examination twice a year to help the candidate make a career in defense services.


NDA (I & II) and NA (I &II) Exam

This exam NDA-I & NDA-II is held twice every year in the month of April and November. National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (NDA & NA) examinations are a two-stage selection process.


The candidate has to first clear the written test with minimum cut-off marks. Subsequently, they will be called for the next round. SSB Service Selection Board will conduct the second stage comprised of a personality test or interview process.


After qualifying for the SSB round the shortlisted candidate will go through the medical test and document verification. Every year approx. 4 lakh candidates apply for this examination.


Highlights Of National Defence Academy Exam

Name of the Exam NDA (I & II) and NA(I &II)
Organizing Body Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Exam Level National
Exam Mode Paper and Pen-based( Offline)
Number of Registrations Approx. 4 Lakh
Admit Card Online
NDA & NA (I) 2020 Number of Vacancies NDA & NA (II) 2020 Number of Vacancies
National Defence Academy Army-208

Navy- 42

Air Force-120

National Defence Academy Army-208

Navy- 42

Air Force- 58

Naval Academy 50 Naval Academy 55
Total 418 Total 363
Official Website


National Defence Academy -UPSC NDA & NA Proposed Month

The UPSC generally releases the date of the NDA (I) & NA( I) and NDA (II) & NA( II)  Examinations notification in the month of January and June respectively.

Aspirants willing to appear for NDA & NA exam can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.


Notification Month
NDA (I) Notification January
NDA (II) Notification June
NDA (I) Exam September
NDA (II) Exam September
NDA (I) Result November
NDA (II) Result November
NDA SSB Post the result of NDA(I) & NDA (II)


National Defence Academy-Eligibility Criteria


national defence academy

1. Nationality 

  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification Criteria

Wing Qualification
Indian Army Appearing/Completed class 12th (10+2) or its equivalent exam from a recognized board or University
Indian Navy and Indian Air Force Appearing/Completed class 12th (10+2) or its equivalent exam from a recognized board or University with Physics and Mathematics as a compulsory subject.
Note:  Candidates who have failed the exam of INSB/PABT earlier are not eligible for the Air Force Exam.


3. Age limit, Sex & Marital Status

Exam Age Limit Sex Marital Status
NDA & NA (I) Not before July 2, 2000, and not later than July 1, 2003 Male Unmarried
NDA & NA (II) Not before January 2, 2001, and not later than January 1, 2004 Male Unmarried
Note 1: The DOB mentioned in the Matriculation/Higher Secondary Examination certificate available will be considered by the concerned authority.
Note 2: Candidates are informed not to marry-until the training is completed.


Physical Criteria :

The candidate needs to be physically and mentally fit for applying to the National Defence Academy  (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination.


Candidates are advised to get themselves medically examined before applying for this examination as many candidates fail to qualify for the medical test.


Height & Weight Standards

Height & Weight Standards-Army/Air Force Height & Weight Standards- Navy

Height in CM (without shoes)

Weight in KG Height in CM (without shoes)

Weight in KG

16-17 years 17-18 years 18-19 years 16-17 years 17-18 years 18-19 years
152 42.5 44 45 152 44 45 46
155 43.5 45.3 47 155 45 46 47
157 45 47 48 157 46 47 49
160 46.5 48 49 160 47 48 50
162 48 50 51 162 48 50 52
165 50 52 53 165 50 52 53
167 51 53 54 168 52 53 55
170 52.5 55 56 170 53 55 57
173 54 57 58 173 55 57 59
175 56 59 60 175 57 59 61
178 58 61 62 178 59 61 62
180 60 63 64.5 180 61 63 64
183 62.5 65 66.5 183 63 65 67

Special requirements of Pilot in the Air Force are mentioned below


Measurement Minimum Maximum
Leg Length 99 cm 120 cm
Thigh Length 64 cm
Sitting Height 81.50 cm 96 cm

Vision Standard

The distance vision (corrected) should be 6/6 in the better eye(6/9) in the worse eye. Myopia and hypermetropia should not be more than 2.5 D & 3.5 D respectively. The color vision standard for the army should be (CP-III). The detailed vision standard is given below :

Eyesight for Naval Candidate Eyesight for Air Force Candidate Maddox Rod Test
Uncorrected without glass 6/6 Uncorrected without glass 6/6, 6/9 At 6 Meters Exo-6 prism D
Corrected with glass 6/6 Corrected with glass 6/6 (Only for Hypermetropia) Eso-6 prism D
Limits of Myopia -0.75 Limits of Myopia NIL Hyper-1 prismD
Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5 Limits of Hypermetropia +2.00 D Sph Hypro -1 prism D
Limits of color Perception I Manifest Myopia NIL Exo-16 prism D
Binocular Vision III Tinoscopic Myopia 0.5 At 33cms Eso-6 prism D
Colour Vision CP-I (MLT) Hyper-1 prismD
Astigmatism +0.75 Cyl ( within +2.0 D.Max) Hypro -1 prism D
Near Vision N-5 each eye


Physical Conditioning

The candidate needs to be in good physical condition to meet the following routine

  • Skipping
  • Chin-ups (Min-08)
  • Push-ups & sit-ups (Min- 20 each)
  • Rope climbing 3-4 meters
  • Running 2.4 km in 15 minutes.


NDA Officer: Roles & Responsibility

The role of an NDA officer is very challenging and it demands a lot of perseverance and responsibility. NDA officer gets into the job of Defence forces like Army, Navy, and Air Force.


Career Graph of NDA /NA Officer

The highest position, a National Defence Academy officer can desire is General in Army, Admiral in Navy, and Air Chief Marshal in Air Force. The following is the career path of an NDA Officer.


The training starts in the academy, a cadet is allotted to one of the 18 Squadrons for the next three years. The Squadrons are named as Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hunter, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Panther, Quebec, and Romeo No.1, No.2, No.3, and No.4 Battalions have four squadrons each while No.5 has two squadrons. Each squadron has approximately 100-120 cadets.


Air Force Army Navy
Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS)
Air Marshall (AOC-in-C/VCAS) Lieutenant General (Army Commodore/VCOAS) Vice-Admiral/FCO-in-C/VCNS)
Air Marshall Lieutenant General Vice Admiral
AVM Major General Rear Admiral
Air Commodore Brigadier Captain
Group Captain Colonel Captain
Wing Commander (S) Lieutenant Colonel (S) Commander (S)
Wing Commander (TS) Lieutenant Colonel (TS) Commander (TS)
Squadron Leader Major Lieutenant Commander
Flight Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant
Flying Officer Lieutenant Sub Lieutenant


National Defence Academy Exam Pattern

UPSC conducts exams in two-level as mentioned below. The candidate who clears the written test will be called for the SSB Interview exams.

Stage 1:  NDA and NA Examination (I)
Subject Type Duration Maximum Marks Negative Marking
Mathematics Objective 2.30 hours 300 Yes
General Ability Test Objective 2.30 hours 600 Yes
Total 900
Stage 2: SSB Personality Test/Interview 900

Stage 1:  NDA and NA Examination (II)

Mathematics Objective 2.30 hours 300 Yes
General Ability Test Objective 2.30 hours 600 Yes
Total 900
Stage 2: SSB Personality Test/Interview 900

Note: Exam mode is offline. Question paper for Mathematics & General Ability Test will be in both the language that is English and Hindi


National Defence Academy focuses on getting the best resources by going through the most competitive exam and subsequently by the most rigorous training.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.




Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


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UGC NET & UGC CSIR : Easy and Free Guide

The National Eligibility Test is popularly known as UGC NET or NTA -UGC-NET. This is an all India level examination for adjudicating the eligibility for the post of Assistant Professors and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian colleges and Universities


JRF awardees are eligible to pursue research in their postgraduate subject from the top institution or national organizations.


The UGC NET exam was started by UGC, but later the CBSE conducted the test. From December 2018 the responsibility of UGC NET has been transferred to the National Testing Agency (NTA), which has been established as an autonomous body testing organization for admission and fellowship in higher education institutions.


There are  two NETs conducted in India by National Testing Agency (NTA). They are as follows :

  1. University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET)
  2. University Grants Commission Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Eligibility Test (UGC CSIR)

Highlights of UGC NET

Exam Name University Grant Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET)
Organizing Body National Testing Agency (NTA)
Frequency Twice a year (June & December)
Exam Level National
Exam Mode Online
Number of Registration Approx. 8 lakh
Official Website


NTA releases the notification of the UGC NET exam in the month of June & December 

Event Tentative Month Event Tentative Month
UGC NET Notification March UGC NET Notification September
UGC NET Exam June UGC NET Exam December
UGC NET Result July UGC NET Result December


ugc eligibilty


Eligibility Criteria 

1. Nationality

A candidate should be a citizen of India.


2. Age Limit 

Category Age Limit
Assistant Professor No upper limit
Junior Research Fellowship (General) 30 years
Junior Research Fellowship (OBC/SC/ST) 35 years


Note : As per the Government of India reservation policy, a minimum of 27%, 15% ,7.5%, and 5% of the fellowship are reserved for the Other Backward Class (OBC) non-creamy layer/ Scheduled Caste( SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Person with Disability (PWD).


3. Educational Qualification 

  • A candidate should have completed the Master’s Degree or equivalent examination with a minimum of 55% marks from a UGC recognized University /Institution in Humanities (including languages) and Social Science, Computer Science, and Application, Electronic Science, etc.
  • The candidate belonging to Other Backward Class (OBC) non-creamy layer/ Scheduled Caste( SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Person with Disability (PWD) are to be entitled 5% marks relaxation. They should have completed the Master’s Degree or equivalent examination with a minimum of 50% marks from a UGC recognized University /Institution in Humanities (including languages) and Social Science, Computer Science and Application, Electronic Science, etc.
  • D. degree holders, who have passed master’s degree before September 1991, with a minimum of 50% marks are also eligible to apply for Lectureship.

Note: Candidate belonging to the Transgender category will be eligible to draw the same relaxation in fees, age, qualifying criteria in NET ( JRF & Assistant Professor) as are available for SC/ST/PWD.



NTA conducts the examination on behalf of UGC. This exam consists of two papers and is conducted on the same day.

PAPER 1 & 2
Paper No of question Max Marks Type Duration
Paper 1 50 100 Objective (MCQ) 1 hour 30 minutes
Paper 2 100 200 Objective (MCQ) 1 hour 30 minutes
Total 150 300 3 hours

Note: All the questions are mandatory to attempt. There is no negative marking.




The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Eligibility Test (UGC CSIR) is conducted by NTA in CBT mode to select the candidate eligible for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and for Lectureship (LS)/ Assistant  Professor in Indian colleges and Universities.


Highlights of UGC CSIR EXAM 

Exam Name Council of Scientific and Industrial Research University Grant Commission National Eligibility Test (CSIR UGC NET)
Organizing Body National Testing Agency (NTA)
Frequency Twice a year (June & December)
Exam Level National
Exam Mode Online
Number of Registration Approx. 3 lakh
Official Website


NTA releases the notification of the UGC CSIR exam in the month of March & September :

Event Tentative Month Event Tentative Month
UGC CSIR Notification March UGC CSIR Notification September
UGC CSIR Exam June UGC CSIR Exam December
UGC CSIR Result July UGC CSIR Result December





Eligibility Criteria 

1. Nationality 

A candidate should be citizen of India.


2. Age Limit 

Category Age Limit
Assistant Professor No upper limit
Junior Research Fellowship (General) 28 years
Junior Research Fellowship (OBC-Non Creamy Layer) 31 years
Junior Research Fellowship (SC/ST/Physically & Visually handicapped/Female) 33 years


As per the Government of India reservation policy , a minimum of 27% , 15% ,7.5%, and 5% of the fellowship are reserved for the Other Backward Class (OBC) non-creamy layer/ Scheduled Caste( SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Person with Disability (PWD)


3. Educational Qualification 

  • Candidate must have completed M.Sc. or an equivalent degree/Integrated BS-MS/BS – 4 years/ BE/B.Tech/Pharma/MBBS with a minimum of 55% marks. For SC/ST/Physically & Visually handicapped candidates, a minimum of 50% marks is needed.
  • Sc (Hons) or equivalent or candidate enrolled in the Integrated MS-PhD program can also apply.
  • Candidate with bachelor’s degree and who has also enrolled in Ph.D./Integrated Ph.D. program can also apply.
  • D. degree holders, who have passed master’s degree before September,1991, with a minimum of 50% marks are also eligible to apply for Lectureship.



NTA conducts the examination on behalf of UGC. The exam pattern is highlighted below:

Particulars Description
Mode of Exam Computer Based Test (CBT)
Exam Type Objective (MCQ)
Exam Duration 3 hours
Exam Medium English & Hindi
Total Marks 200
Total Questions Section A: 20

Section B : 40

Section C : 60

Negative Marking Yes

UGC CSIR NET EXAM is conducted in 5 subjects : Chemical Science, Earth Science, Life Science, Mathematics Science and Physical Science.


Section-wise Exam Pattern of Chemical Science
Parts No of questions Questions to attempt Marks per question Negative Marking
Part A 20 15 2 0.5
Part B 40 35 2 0.5
Part C 60 25 4 1
Total 120 75 200


Section-wise Exam Pattern of Earth Science
Parts No of questions Questions to attempt Marks per question Negative Marking
Part A 20 15 2 0.5
Part B 50 35 2 0.5
Part C 80 25 4 1.32
Total 150 75 200


Section-wise Exam Pattern of Life  Science
Parts No of questions Questions to attempt Marks per question Negative Marking
Part A 20 15 2 0.5
Part B 50 35 2 0.5
Part C 70 25 4 1
Total 140 75 200


Section-wise Exam Pattern of Mathematical Science
Parts No of questions Questions to attempt Marks per question Negative Marking
Part A 20 15 2 0.5
Part B 40 25 3 0.75
Part C 60 20 4.75 0
Total 120 60 200


Section-wise Exam Pattern of Physical Science
Parts No of questions Questions to attempt Marks per question Negative Marking
Part A 20 15 2 0.5
Part B 25 20 3.5 0.875
Part C 30 20 5 1.25
Total 75 55 200


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