Anuradha Mandal

Career Coach


IRPS : Simple and Easy Informational Guide

Indian Railway Personnel Service is a central civil service under the Government of India. It was established in 1980.


IRPSE is conducted by Union Public Service Commission( UPSC) for the recruitment of officers responsible for managing the Human Resources of the Indian Railways.




The UPSC generally releases the notification of the Civil Services Examinations notification in the month of February. Aspirants willing to appear for this All Indian Services along with other services can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
Civil Service Examination Advertisement February
IRPS- Online Application Form February to March
IRPS- Preliminary Admit Card 2nd Week of May
IRPS – Preliminary Exam October
IRPS – Preliminary Result November
IRPS -Main Exam January
IRPS -Main Result February
IRPS -Interview March to April
IRTSE -Final Result May


Eligibility Criteria: IRPS



1. Nationality 

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and The Indian Police Service (IPS), and for other services, the candidate must be either of the following :
  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification

  • Candidates must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of the recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required for graduation.
  • Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidates with professional and technical qualifications by recognized universities or their equivalent are also eligible to apply.


3. Age Limit & Number of Attempts 

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 32 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST): 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Military Service as of 1st of August of the Notification Year: 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person: 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 32 Years 06
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 35 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 32 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 37 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 42 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit


IRPS Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • Responsible for Personnel management, Industrial relations, and looking after the legal and court matter.
  • Responsible for Manpower planning, recruitment, training, promotion, reservation, transfer, and posting payment salary and wages.
  • Maintaining cordial Industrial relations.
  • Implementation of Labour Law and looking after the Legal & court cases.
  • Addressing the Grievance Redressal.


Career Graph of IRPS Officer

The highest position, an IRPS officer can desire is the rank of Additional Secretary in GOI under the Central staffing scheme. The following is the career path of an IRPS Officer :

  • Foundational Training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
  • IRTS probationers then go through training at various institutes like the National Academy of Indian Railways (NAIR ), Vadodara, National Academy for Direct Taxes (NADT), Nagpur.


The indicative hierarchy is given below (Top to Below) 

Railway Staff College Division Zonal Workshop Railway Board GOI under Central Staffing Scheme
        Advisor Additional Secretary
    Chief Personnel Officer Chief Personnel Officer Executive Director Joint Secretary
  Senior Divisional Personnel Officer Deputy Chief Personnel Officer Deputy Chief Personnel Officer Director Director
Professor Divisional Personnel Officer Senior Personnel Officer Workshop Personnel Officer/Senior Personnel Officer Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary

/APO/Asst Professor

Assistant Personnel Officer Assistant Personnel Officer Assistant Personnel Officer Under Secretary Under Secretary



UPSC conducts exams in three-level as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exams successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission( UPSC)

  1. Preliminary Test
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview.


Stage One-Preliminary Test (400 Marks)

  • The Preliminary Exam consists of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both papers.
  • Candidates appearing in the preliminary test must qualify for the cut-off score to get themselves eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.
Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


Stage Two-Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify for the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • Main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.


The written exam consists of the following papers

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025


The subject which is covered in the General Studies in Main Exam is mentioned below 

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
  Social Justice Environment  
  International Relations Security and Disaster Management  


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can opt from any of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and English.



Stage Three- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualifies for the mains exam is called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum mark in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025. UPSC board takes the interview which consist of the competent panelist, who would judge the candidature on the following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity


Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


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Career Counselling
Career Counselling









ICFS- Indian Communication Finance Service : Free And Quick Guide

Indian Communication Finance Service (ICFS) is a central civil service under the Union of India. Earlier it was called as Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS).


This is an all-India examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for recruitment in the Department of Telecom and Department of Indian Post and Telecommunication.



Eligibility Criteria: ICFS



1. Nationality for ICFS 

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for this exam, also the candidate must be either of the following :
  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification for ICFS

  • Candidates must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of the recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required for graduation.
  • Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidates with professional and technical qualifications by recognized universities or their equivalent are also eligible to apply.
  • Candidates who have passed the final year MBBS or Medical Exam but yet not completed the internship can also apply for the exam.


3.Age Limit & Number of Attempts for ICFS

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 30 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST): 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel: 5 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Military Service as of 1st of August of the Notification Year: 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person: 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 30 Years 07
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 33 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 30 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 35 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 40 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit


ICFS- IP&TAFS Officer- Roles & Responsibility 

They are involved in various roles and their responsibility is enormous. Some of them are highlighted below :

  • Assessment and collection of License fee and Spectrum usage charges paid by the Telecom Licensors.
  • Spectrum Auction of 2G, 3G, and 4G.
  • Pension Management of DoT, DoP, BSNL, and MTNL.
  • Human Resource Development and Capacity Building of IP&TAFS.
  • Internal Audit of Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications.
  • Policymaking in Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications.
  • Financial Management of Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications.
  • Revenue assessment and collection
  • Budgeting and account management


ICFS -IP&TAFS Officer: Career Graph

The highest position, an IP&TAFS Officer can desire is the rank of Advisor. They go through the following training and the career path of an IP&TAFS Officer is highlighted below :

  • Compulsory foundational Training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
  • Professional Training course at National Institute of Finance Management
  • Department Training at National Institute of Communication Finance, New Delhi.


The indicative hierarchy  for ICFS  is given below (Top to Below)

Department of Telecommunication Department of Post
Advisor Deputy Director-General /General Manager
Senior Deputy Director-General Director
Deputy Director-General/ Joint Administrator Assistant Director-General
Director Assistant Chief Accounts Officer
Assistant Director-General
Assistant Chief Accounts Officer



UPSC conducts exam in three level as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exams successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission(UPSC)

1. ICFS Preliminary Test

Stage One ICFS -Preliminary Test (400 Marks) :

  • The Preliminary Exam consist of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both papers.
  • Candidate appearing in the preliminary test must qualify for the cut-off score to get themselves eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.


Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


2. ICFS Main Exam

Stage Two ICFS -Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • Main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.


The written exam of ICFS consists of the following papers

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025

The subject which is covered in the General Studies  ICFS in Main Exam is mentioned below

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
Social Justice Environment
International Relations Security and Disaster Management


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below:

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can be opted from any of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and English.


3. ICFS Interview

Stage Three ICFS- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualifies for the mains exam are called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum mark in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025. UPSC board takes the interview which consists of the competent panelists, who would judge the candidature on the following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity


Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling



Combined Medical Service (CMS) Exam : Simple and Easy Insight

The Combined Medical Service Examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission ( UPSC) for the recruitment of medical graduates for various Central Government organizations and services.




Highlights Of CMSE Exam

The Combined Medical Service Examination is an all-India level examination conducted once a year. The candidate has to first clear the written test with minimum cut-off marks. Subsequently, they will be called for the next round. Almost  4 lakh candidates apply for this examination.

Name of the Exam Combined Medical Service Examination (CMSE)
Organizing Body Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Exam Level National
Exam Mode Computer-based Test (Online)
Number of Registrations Approx. 4 Lakh
Selection Process Online Test & Personality Test
Official Website



The UPSC generally releases the Combined Medical Service Examination (CMSE) notification in the month of July.

Aspirants willing to appear for Combined Medical Service Examination (CMSE) can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
CMSE Notification July
CMSE Admit Card September
CMSE Exam October
CMSE Interview January
CMSE Result February


Eligibility Criteria: CMS

Combined medical service exam


1. Nationality 

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and The Indian Police Service (IPS), and for other services, the candidate must be either of the following :
  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.

2. Educational Qualification

  • Candidates must hold an MBBS degree from a recognized University.
  • Candidates waiting for their final result can also apply.


3. Age Limit

Candidates should not be more than 32 years to appear for The Combined Medical Service Examination. There is no lower age limit defined to appear for the exam. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST): 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Military Service as of 1st of August of the Notification Year: 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person: 10 Years.


CMSE Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • The medical officer will have to do the medical duties as generally done by the doctor.
  • Medical officer assigned the duties to the nurse and other staff members for the proper and efficient functioning of the OPD.
  • Medical officer can be posted in any of the Central Department.



The Combined Medical Service Examination  is an all-India examination conducted by UPSC.  The candidate who clears the written test will be called for the Interview exams/Personality Test.


Stage 1: Computer Based Test (Online): 500 Marks

Paper Section Type Negative Marking Maximum Marks
Paper I General Medicine Objective Yes 250
Paper I Pediatrics Objective Yes
Paper-II Surgery Objective Yes 250
Paper-II Gynaecology & Obstetrics Objective Yes
Paper-II Preventive & Social Medicine Objective Yes
Note: Question paper will be only in English


Stage 2: Personality Test/ Interview (100 Marks )


The candidate who qualifies for the Combined Medical Service Examination written exam is called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum mark in the interview is 100. Board takes the interview which consists of the competent panelist, who would judge the candidature on the following ground :

  1. Mental Attentiveness
  2. Critical power of assimilation
  3. Clear and Logical Interpretation
  4. Balance of Judgement
  5. Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  6. Intelligent curiosity



Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling



CAPF Exam : Essential and Easy Information


CAPF Exam is a national-level exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment of Assistant Commandants. This exam is also called as Central Armed Police Forces Assistant Commandant Exam as they recruit Assistant Commandants.


The Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) refers to the nomenclature of the seven security forces in India, which comes under the Ministry of Home Affairs( MHA). The seven security forces are mentioned below :

  1. The Assam Rifles (AR)
  2. Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
  3. Border Security Force (BSF)
  4. Central Industrial Security Force CISF)
  5. National Security Guard (NSG)
  6. Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
  7. Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)


The recruitment is done in three modes, given as follows :

Post Exam
Gazetted Officer The Central Armed Police Force (Assistant Commandants)
Subordinate Officer(Also referred as DASOs- Directly Appointed Subordinate Officers) Staff Selection Commission
Constables Staff Selection Commission


Highlights of CAPF Exam

Exam The Central Armed Police Forces Examination
Organizing body Union Public Service Commission
Name of the post Assistant Commandant
Number of Vacancies Approx. 400
Frequency Once a year
Number of applications Approx. 3 lakh
Official website




UPSC generally releases the date of the Central Armed Police Forces Examinations notification in the month of August. Aspirants willing to appear for this exam can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.


Event Month
CAPF AC Notification August
CAPF AC Admit Card November
CAPF AC Exam December
CAPF AC Result January

Eligibility Criteria: CAPF Exam



Nationality No person who is not a citizen of India shall, except the consent of the Central Government signified in writing be appointed or employed under the Rules. Provided that nothing contained in rules shall debar the appointment or employment of a subject of Nepal or Bhutan under the Rules.
Both males and females are eligible to apply for this exam
Educational Qualification Candidate must hold a Bachelor or equivalent degree from a recognized University
Appearing candidates are also eligible for this exam.
Age Minimum age -20 years

Maximum age -25 years

Relaxation for reserved categories :

SC/ST: 5 years

OBC    : 3 years

Physical Standards


Candidates should meet the minimum standard.
Men Women
Height 165 cms 157 cms
Chest 81 cms ( with 5 cms minimum expansion)
Weight 50 Kgs Not less than 46Kgs
Medical Standard Eyesight
Better Eye( Corrected Vision) Worse Eye (Corrected Vision)
Distant Vision 6/6 or 6/9  6/12 or 6/9
Near Vision J1 (Corrected J2 (Corrected)
Type of corrections permitted Spectacles -4.00D (including cylinder)
Limits of Refractive errors permitted Non-pathological myopia +4.00 D (including cylinder)
Note: Candidate should not have Knock-knees, Flat foot, Varicose veins, or Squint in eyes.


CAPF AC Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • Need to guard the borders as well the industrial corridors.
  • Involved in maintaining the law and order as well as assisting the local administration in doing so.
  • Deployed in conducting elections and responsible for maintaining normalcy in the local areas.



The exam pattern of the Central Armed Police Force for the recruitment of the Assistant Commandants are as follow :

CAPF Exam: Written Exam

Paper Maximum Marks Duration Language
Paper 1: General Ability & Intelligence 250 2 Hours English & Hindi
Paper 2: General Studies, Essay & Comprehension 200 2 Hours Essay – English & Hindi.

Rest in English

Total 450

CAPF Exam: Physical Standards/ Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Test

Type of Test Males: Time Limit Female: Time Limit
100 Meters Race In 16 Sec In 18 Sec
800 Meters Race In 3 Minutes 45 Sec In 4 Minutes 45 Sec
Long Jump 3.5 Meters 3 Meters
Shot Put (7.26 Kgs) 4.5 Meters

CAPF Exam: Interview/Personality Test

The candidate who qualifies for the Medical Standard Tests are called for the Interview or Personality Test ( 150 Marks)



Getting into good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling



CGGE : An Ultimate and Free Guide

Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination (CGGE)  is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment of Geologist, Geophysicist in GSI, and Hydro-Geologist for Central Ground Water Board.


Highlights of CGGE Exam

Exam Combined  Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination (CGGE)
Organizing body Union Public Service Commission
Exam Mode Paper & Pen (Offline)
Frequency Once a year
Selection Process Written Test & Personality Test
Number of Registration Approx. 2 lakh
Official website



UPSC generally releases the notification of the Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination (CGGE) in the month of September. Aspirants willing to appear for CGGE can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
CGGE  Notification September
CGGE Exam-1 January
CGGE Exam-2 August
CGGE Result After 2-3 months of Exam


Eligibility Criteria: CGGE


1. Nationality

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the Combined Defence Services (CDS) must be either of the following :
  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification

Post Qualification
Geologist in GSI Master’s degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo-Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Marine Geology or Engineering Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Petroleum Exploration or Geochemistry or Geological Technology from a recognized University
Geophysicist in GSI


Master’s in Physics or Applied Physics or Geophysics or Integrated M.Sc (Exploration Geophysics) or M.Sc (Applied Geophysics) or M.Sc  (Marine Geophysics) or M.Sc(Tech in Applied Geophysics) from a recognized University
Chemist in GSI M.Sc in Chemistry or Applied Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry from a recognized University.
Junior in Central Ground Water Board Master’s in Geology or Applied Geology or Marine Geology from a recognized University


3. Age Limit

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 32 years to appear for the CGGE. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST): 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Military Service as of 1st of August of the Notification Year: 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person: 10 Years.


4. Physical Standard 

The candidate needs to be physically and mentally fit for applying in the CGGE as per the details mentioned in the advertisement.



UPSC conducts the CGGE exam in three-level as mentioned below. The candidate who clears the written test will be called for the subsequent main exam and then for Personality Test.


Stage 1: Written Test  /Preliminary Test

The Combined Geo-Scientist Examination (Preliminary) consist of two paper, of which General Studies is common to all.

Stream Subject Duration Maximum Mark
Geologist & Hydrogeologist Paper 1: General Studies 2 hours 100
Paper 2: Geology /Hydrogeology 2 hours 300
Geophysicist Paper 1: General Studies 2 hours 100
Paper 2: Geophysics 2 hours 300
Chemist Paper 1: General Studies 2 hours 100
Paper 2: Chemistry 2 hours 300


Stage 2: Mains Exam

The Combined Geo-Scientist Examination (Mains) consists of three papers, this is a descriptive type exam.

Stream Subject Duration Maximum Mark
Geologist Paper 1: Geology 3 hours 200
Paper 2: Geology 3 hours 200
Paper 3: Geology 3 hours 200
Geophysicist Paper 1: Geophysics 3 hours 200
Paper 2: Geophysics 3 hours 200
Paper 3: Geophysics 3 hours 200
Chemist Paper 1: Chemistry 3 hours 200
Paper 2: Chemistry 3 hours 200
Paper 3: Chemistry 3 hours 200
Hydrogeologist Paper 1: Geology 3 hours 200
Paper 2: Geology 3 hours 200
Paper 3: Hydrogeology 3 hours 200


Stage 3-Personality Test/ Interview

The candidate who qualifies for the mains exam is called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the results are declared. The maximum mark in the interview is 200.


Board takes the interview which consists of the competent panelists, who would judge the candidature on the following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership


Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


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