Anuradha Mandal

Career Coach


ITS : Simple and Valuable Information Of The Exam

ITS created was as a special cadre in 1965 under the Group A Civil service to handle India’s International Trade and Commerce.


The cadre controlling authority of ITS lies to Directorate General of Foreign Trade(DGFT) , under the Ministry of Commerce.


The department is functionally organized in the following 9 division:

  1. International Trade Policy Division
  2. Foreign Trade Territorial Division
  3. Export Products Division
  4. Export Industries Division
  5. Export Service Division
  6. Economic Division
  7. Administration & General Service Division
  8. Finance Division
  9. Supply Division



ITS Exam

The UPSC generally releases the notification of the Civil Services Examinations notification in the month of February. Aspirants willing to appear for this All Indian Services along with other services can apply the online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
Civil Service Examination Advertisement February
ITS- Online Application Form February to March
ITS – Preliminary Admit Card 2nd Week of May
ITS  – Preliminary Exam October
ITS – Preliminary Result November
ITS -Main Exam January
ITS -Main Result February
ITS -Interview March to April
ITS -Final Result May


Eligibility Criteria : ITS Exam





  • Candidate must be a citizen of India
  • Candidate must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidate must be a Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962 for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidate must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.

2.Educational Qualification 

  • Candidate must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of he recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required in graduation.
  • Candidate who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidate with professional and technical qualification by recognized universities or its equivalent are also eligible to apply .


3.Age Limit & Number of Attempts 

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and maximum of 32 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) : 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Millitary Service as on 1st of August of the Notification Year : 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person : 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 32 Years 06
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 35 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 32 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 37 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 42 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit


ITS Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • Policy formulation for the International trade
  • Trade policy implementation
  • Export promotion through various channels and initiatives.
  • Responsible for International trade Negotiations


Career Graph of ITS Officer

The highest position, an ITS officer can desire for is the rank of Director -General of Foreign Trade. The following is the career path of an ITS Officer :

  • Foundational Training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
  • Professional Training at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi.


The indicative hierarchy is given below (Top to Below) 

  • Director-General of Foreign Trade/Senior Development Commissioner, Special Economic Zone.
  • Additional Director-General of Foreign Trade/Development Commissioner, Special Economic Zone/Trade Advisor.
  • Joint Director-General of Foreign Trade/Director
  • Deputy Director-General of Foreign Trade/Under Secretary.
  • Assistant Director-General of Foreign Trade



UPSC conducts exam in three level as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exam successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission( UPSC)

  1. Preliminary Test
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview.


Stage One-Preliminary Test (400 Marks) 

  • The Preliminary Exam consist of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Question)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both the paper.
  • Candidate appearing in the preliminary test must qualify the cut off score to get oneself eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.
Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


Stage Two-Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • Main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.


The written exam consists of the following papers

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025


The subject which are covered in the General Studies in Main Exam are mentioned below 

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
  Social Justice Environment  
  International Relations Security and Disaster Management  


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can be opted from any of the following language : Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and English.


Stage Three- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualify the mains exam are called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum marks in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025.


UPSC board takes the interview which consist of competent panelist, who would judge the candidature on following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity


Getting into a good college is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling








IDAS : Complete and Easy Fundamentals of the Exam

Indian Defence Accounts Service Exam (IDAS) is a gazette Central Civil Service of Government of India under the cadre controlling authority of the Ministry of Defence. This is one of the oldest departments of the government of India.


It was established to provide Financial Advice, accounts, and audit service to the following :

  1. Ordnance Factories
  2. Indian Armed Forces- Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard
  3. Military Engineer Services
  4. Border Roads Organization
  5. Defence Research and Development Organization


IDAS exam is an all-India examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).



The UPSC generally releasees the notification of the Examinations notification in the month of February. Aspirants willing to appear for this All Indian Services along with other services can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
Civil Service Examination Advertisement February
IDAS- Online Application Form February to March
IDAS- Preliminary Admit Card 2nd Week of May
IDAS- Preliminary Exam October
IDAS- Preliminary Result November
IDAS-Main Exam January
IDAS-Main Result February
IDAS-Interview March to April
IDAS-Final Result May


Eligibility Criteria: IDAS Exam




1. Nationality

  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification 

  • Candidates must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of the recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required for graduation.
  • Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidates with professional and technical qualifications by recognized universities or their equivalent are also eligible to apply.

3. Age Limit & Number of Attempts 

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 32 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST): 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Military Service as of 1st of August of the Notification Year: 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person: 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 32 Years 06
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 35 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 32 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 37 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 42 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit


IDAS Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • IDAS Officers are responsible for maintaining the complete accounts of the Defence Services.
  • IDAS Officer also manages the biggest budget allocation of the government of India that is the budget of Defence forces.
  • IDAS officers also provide financial advice, payment, and internal auditing and accounting functions to the Armed forces, Defence Research and Development, Ordnance Factories, Border Road Organisation, Canteen Stores Department, and other allied organizations.


Career Graph of IDAS Officer

The highest position an IDAS officer can desire is The Controller General of Defence Accounts(CGDA). They Gi through the following training :

  • Initial training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie.
  • The next training will be at CENTRAD, New Delhi.
  • The next training is at the National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad.
  • Final training is conducted in the National Academy of Defence Financial Management, Pune.


The indicative hierarchy is given below (Top to Below)

  • Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)
  • Additional CDDA
  • Principal Controller of Defence Accounts
  • Joint CGDA
  • Senior Deputy CGDA
  • Deputy CGDA
  • Senior ACGDA
  • Assistant Controller General of Defence Accounts (ACGDA)



UPSC conducts exams in three-level as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exams successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission( UPSC)

  1. Preliminary Test
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview.


Stage One-Preliminary Test (400 Marks) 

  • The Preliminary Exam consists of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both paper.
  • Candidates appearing in the preliminary test must qualify for the cut-off score to get themselves eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.
Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


Stage Two-Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify for the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • Main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.


The written exam consists of the following papers

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025


The subject which is covered in the General Studies in Main Exam is mentioned below 

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
Social Justice Environment
International Relations Security and Disaster Management


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can opt from any of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and English.


Stage Three- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualifies for the mains exam is called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum mark in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025.


UPSC board takes the interview which consists of the competent panelists, who would judge the candidature on the following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity



Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling



IRS : Useful and Free Overview Of The Exam

Indian Revenue Services (IRS) is an All India examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment in the revenue department of the Government of India.


IRS is a Central Civil Service that works under the revenue department in the Union Ministry of Finance. The main function of the IRS is to collect and manage various direct and indirect taxes for the Union Government.


IRS comprises two branches :

  1. IRS (Income Tax)
  2. IRS (Customs & Central Excise)


Every year, UPSC conducts the Civil Service Examination(CSE) for more than 24 services, such as IAS, IPS, IFS, and IRS, by shortlisting the candidates.


More than nine lakh candidates register for the IAS exam and almost five lakh candidates appear for the examination. The selection process goes through several screenings starting with the preliminary exam, main examination, and interview.

Name of the Exam Civil Service Examination
Organizing Body Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Exam Level National
Exam Mode Paper and Pen-based( Offline)
Number of Vacancies Approx. 900
Number of Services 24
Number of Attempts 6 times
Number of Registrations Approx. 9Lakh
Admit Card Online
Official Website




The UPSC generally releasees the date of the Civil Services Examinations notification in the month of February. Aspirants willing to appear for this All Indian Services along with other services can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
Civil Service Examination Advertisement February
IRS- Online Application Form February to March
IRS- Preliminary Exam October
IRS-Main Exam September
IRS-Final Result May


Eligibility Criteria: IRS Exam




1. Nationality

The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the Indian Revenue Services (IRS) must be either of the following:

  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification 

  • Candidates must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of the recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required for graduation.
  • Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidates with professional and technical qualifications by recognized universities or their equivalent are also eligible to apply


3. Age Limit & Number of Attempts 

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 32 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST): 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Military Service as of 1st of August of the Notification Year: 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person: 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 32 Years 06
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 35 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 32 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 37 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 42 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit


IRS Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • IRS officers are responsible for law enforcement and intelligence organization like the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW), Intelligence Bureau (IB), and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
  • IRS is responsible for identifying the tax evasion and bestowed with the power to seize the illegally accumulated wealth.
  • To probe and expose scams inside the country.
  • To protect the country’s smuggling and safeguard its economic borders.


Career Graph of IRS Officer

The highest position, an IRS officer can desire is the rank of Chairperson/Member of (CBDT/CDEC). The following is the career path of an IRS Officer :

  • Compulsory three-month foundational Training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
  • Customs & Excise officer undergoes 15-month training at National Academy of Customs Indirect Taxes and Narcotics (NACIN), Faridabad.
  • Income tax officers are trained at the National Academy of Direct Taxes (NADT), Nagpur.


The indicative hierarchy is given below (Top to Below) 

  • Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax
  • Chief Commissioner of Income Tax
  • Principal Commissioner of Income Tax
  • Commissioner of Income Tax
  • Additional Commissioner of Income Tax
  • Joint Commissioner of Income Tax



UPSC conducts exams in three stages as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exams successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission(UPSC)

  1. Preliminary Test
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview.


Stage One-Preliminary Test (400 Marks) 

  • The Preliminary Exam consists of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both papers.
  • Candidates appearing in the preliminary test must qualify for the cut-off score to get themselves eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.
Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


Stage Two-Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify for the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • Main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.


The written exam consists of the following papers

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025


The subject which is covered in the General Studies in Main Exam is mentioned below 

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
  Social Justice Environment  
  International Relations Security and Disaster Management  


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can opt from any of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and English.



Stage Three- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualifies for the mains exam is called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum mark in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025.


UPSC board takes the interview which consists of the competent panelist, who would judge the candidature on the following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity


Getting into a good college is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling



IRAS Exam : The detailed and exclusive guide

Indian Railway Accounts Service Exam is the Civil service and an all-India competitive examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). IRAS officers are responsible for Accounts and Finance Management of the Indian Railway.



The UPSC generally releases the notification of the Civil Services Examinations notification in the month of February. Aspirants willing to appear for this All Indian Services along with other services can apply online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
Civil Service Examination Advertisement February
IRAS- Online Application Form February to March
IRAS – Preliminary Admit Card 2nd Week of May
IRAS – Preliminary Exam October
IRAS – Preliminary Result November
IRAS -Main Exam January
IRAS -Main Result February
IRAS -Interview March to April
IRAS -Final Result May


IRAS Exam: Eligibility Criteria




1. Nationality 

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and The Indian Police Service (IPS), and for other services, the candidate must be either of the following :
  • Candidates must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidates must be Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidates must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification 

  • Candidates must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of the recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required for graduation.
  • Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidates with professional and technical qualifications by recognized universities or their equivalent are also eligible to apply.

3. Age Limit & Number of Attempts 

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 32 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST): 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Military Service as of 1st of August of the Notification Year: 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person: 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 32 Years 06
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 35 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 32 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 37 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 42 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit

IRAS Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  1. Rendering financial advice for execution and handling the Accounts and Finance department of the Indian Railways.
  2. Responsible for the introduction of modern financial management techniques.
  3. Looking after the restructuring of budget and accounts system.
  4. Responsible for traffic costing and exchequer control.


Career Graph of IRAS Officer

The highest position, an IRAS officer can desire is the rank of Financial Commissioner. The following is the career path of an IRAS Officer :

  • Foundational Training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
  • IRAS probationers then go through the training at the National Academy of Indian Railways (NAIR), Vadodra.
  • Next level of training is done NADT, Nagpur and NIFM, Faridabad.
  • After this, they visit various institutions like IIM-Calcutta, MDI-Gurgaon. to get better exposure.


They also go to some of the below-mentioned institutes also for better exposure and hands-on learning :

  • Alma Mater at Indian Railway Institute of Financial Management (IRIFM), Secunderabad.
  • Operation & Commercial Training at Indian Railways Institute for Transport Management (IRITM), Lucknow.
  • Railway Foundation Course at National Academy of Indian Railway (NAIR ), Vadodara.
  • Operations Training at Zonal Railway Training Institute (ZRTI), Udaipur.
  • Marketing Management and Transport Economics at Indian Institute of Management (IIM).
  • Operation Research at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management Training at Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation(IRCTC).
  • Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Training at Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) Academy, Ghaziabad.
  • Accounts Training at Centralised Training Academy for Railway Accounts (C-TARA), Secunderabad.
  • Secretariat Training at Institute for Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTN), New Delhi.
  • Ethical Governance Training at Initiatives of Change, Panchgani.
  • Metro Rail Training at Delhi Metro Rail Corporation( DMRC), New Delhi.
  • Military Logistic Training at Sena Bhavan, New Delhi.


The indicative hierarchy is given below (Top to Below) :

  1. Financial Commissioner
  2. General Manager/Director Manager/ Additional Member (Railway Board)
  3. Principal Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer/ Advisor (Railway Board)
  4. Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer/Executive Director (Railway Board)
  5. Deputy Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer/Director (Railway Board)
  6. Deputy Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer/ Joint Director (Railway Board)
  7. Senior Assistant Financial Advisor/ Divisional Financial Manager.
  8. Assistant Financial Advisor/ Assistant Divisional Financial Manager.



UPSC conducts exams in three-level as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exams successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission( UPSC)

  1. Preliminary Test
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview.


Stage One-Preliminary Test (400 Marks) :

  • The Preliminary Exam consists of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Questions)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both papers.
  • Candidates appearing in the preliminary test must qualify for the cut-off score to get themselves eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.
Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


Stage Two-Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify for the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • The main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.

 The written exam consists of the following papers:

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025


The subject which is covered in the General Studies in Main Exam is mentioned below :

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
  Social Justice Environment  
  International Relations Security and Disaster Management  


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below:

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can opt from any of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and English.



Stage Three- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualify for the mains exam is called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum mark in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025. UPSC board takes the interview which consists of the competent panelists, who would judge the candidature on the following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity



Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


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Career Counselling
















IRTSE : Quick and Useful Insight

Indian Railway Traffic Service Exam (IRTSE) is a Central Civil Service under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railway, Government of India. This was rechristened on March 4 ,1967. Earlier it was named as “Officer of the Superior Revenue Establishment of the Traffic, Transportation and Commercial Department of Indian Railways.


IRTSE exam is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment in the Department of Indian Railways. The Transportation Operation and the Commercial Wings of the Indian Railways is managed by this service.



Every year, UPSC conducts the Civil Service Examination (CSE) for more than 24 services, such as IAS, IPS, IFS and IRTSE by shortlisting the most suitable candidate for the same. The selection process goes through several screening starting with preliminary exam, main examination and interview .Selection is a yearlong process which starts in the month of June and ends in April, and the final list comes in the month of May.



The UPSC generally releases the notification of the Civil Services Examinations notification in the month of February. Aspirants willing to appear for this All Indian Services along with other services can apply the online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
Civil Service Examination Advertisement February
IRTSE- Online Application Form February to March
IRTSE – Preliminary Admit Card 2nd Week of May
IRTSE – Preliminary Exam October
IRTSE – Preliminary Result November
IRTSE -Main Exam January
IRTSE -Main Result February
IRTSE -Interview March to April
IRTSE -Final Result May


Eligibility Criteria : IRTS




1. Nationality

  • Candidate must be a citizen of India
  • Candidate must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidate must be a Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962 for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidate must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification

  • Candidate must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of the recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required in graduation.
  • Candidate who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidate with professional and technical qualification by recognized universities or its equivalent are also eligible to apply .


3. Age Limit & Number of Attempts

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and maximum of 32 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) : 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Millitary Service as on 1st of August of the Notification Year : 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person : 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 32 Years 06
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 35 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 32 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 37 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 42 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit


IRTSE Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • To coordinate the production and sale of the transportation output and manages the customer interface of railways.
  • To help in proper and easy transportation of the freight and passengers
  • To coordinate with various service department by looking after the assets of railways like track, wagons, engines, and signals.
  • The operational department function is to ensure safety and user friendly transportation of the passengers and freights.
  • The commercial department function is responsible for the revenue realization for various services offered by Indian Railways.
  • It is also responsible for sales, profit performance, pricing, promotion strategies to increase traffic.
  • It is also concerned with the provisioning of passenger amenities and redressal of customer complaints.


Career Graph of IRTS Officer

The highest position, an IRTS officer can desire for is the rank of Divisional Railway Manager (DRM). The following is the career path of an IRST Officer :

  • Foundational Training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
  • IRTS probationers then go through the Centralized Training Institute (CTI)- Indian Railways Institute for Transportation Management (IRITM), Lucknow.
  • After this they visit to various institution to get better exposure.

Some of the institute are as follows :

  1. Operation & Commercial Training at Indian Railways Institute for Transport Management (IRITM), Lucknow.
  2. Railway Foundation Course at National Academy of Indian Railway (NAIR ), Vadodora.
  3. Operations Training at Zonal Railway Training Institute (ZRTI), Udaipur.
  4. Marketing Management and Transport Economics at Indian Institute of Management (IIM).
  5. Operation Research at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).
  6. Tourism and Hospitality management Training at Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation(IRCTC).
  7. Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Training at Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) Academy, Ghaziabad.
  8. Accounts Training at Centralised Training Academy for Railway Accounts (C-TARA), Secunderabad.
  9. Secretariat Training at Institute for Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTN), New Delhi.
  10. Ethical Governance Training at Initiatives of Change, Panchganj.
  11. Metro Rail Training at Delhi Metro Rail Corporation( DMRC), New Delhi.
  12. Military Logistic Training at Sena Bhavan, New Delhi.


The indicative hierarchy is given below (Top to Below) 

  • Divisional Railway Manager(DRM)/ Additional Divisional Railway Manager(ADRM)
  • Senior Divisional Operation Manager(Sr DOM)/ Senior Divisional Commercial Manager(Sr DCM)
  • Divisional Operation Manager (DOM)/ Divisional Commercial Manager (DCM)/ Advance Railway Manager(ARM)
  • Assistant Operation Manager(AOM)/ Assistant Commercial Manager( ACM)



UPSC conducts exam in three level as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exam successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission( UPSC)

  1. Preliminary Test
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview.


Stage One-Preliminary Test (400 Marks) 

  • The Preliminary Exam consist of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Question)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both the paper.
  • Candidate appearing in the preliminary test must qualify the cut off score to get oneself eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.
Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


Stage Two-Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • Main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.


The written exam consists of the following papers:

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025


The subject which are covered in the General Studies in Main Exam are mentioned below 

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
Social Justice Environment
International Relations Security and Disaster Management


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can be opted from any of the following language : Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and English.



Stage Three- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualify the mains exam are called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum marks in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025. UPSC board takes the interview which consist of competent panelist, who would judge the candidature on following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity


Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling