Career Counselling

Success Mindset

Success Mindset For Successful Career

Your Mindset is Everything.

A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.

Have you ever thought?

Why one person is happy and another sad?

Why one person is confident, and another not very confident?

Have you ever wondered?

What sets those who get huge success, and others failing?

Why one person can network well in a group, and another can’t talk to a stranger?

What sets those who achieve great things apart from those who fail to realize their aspirations?

Have you pondered about it?

Why doeses one person with a great education, and skills, struggle in their career, and another person with lesser knowledge or skills grow in his/her career?

You might be thinking, that the answer to all the above questions is intelligence, aptitude, creativity, or risk appetite.

All those are sensible suggestions,

But that’s not what science has found.

According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck and others, the predictor of Success in Life is none of the above sensible suggestions

But it is the mindset.

It’s your Mindset.

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”—Buddha.

According to the Oxford Dictionary- Mindset is a set of attitudes or fixed ideas that someone has and that is often difficult to change.

People with a “Growth Mindset” are the ones who achieve great things generally by believing that they can improve and grow as people.

While the people with a “Fixed Mindset” are the ones who put a stop to their attempts to realize their dreams and tend to believe their abilities, talents, and potential to be static/stable. 

I am either good at something or I am not I can work and improve my skills with practice and hard work
I am criticized when people give me feedback I respect when people give me feedback. It helps me improve, learn, and grow.
Successful people are lucky and never experienced failure Successful people have failed many a time, but they did not quit until they achieved success

In this book, you will get insights into Success Mindset in the context of your successful career journey.

Having a success mindset means having a mind that’s ready to work towards achieving your goals despite the odds you might encounter.

Your mind speaks different languages, one is agile, and another is slow in its corners.

It speaks different languages when it comes to what you want to do in your career.

So, what do you want to do, you must think deeply and think clearly because it is very important thinking?

Thinking clearly doesn’t mean what will I get from this or what will I get from that.

It’s your life and your life is precious.

Ask this question to yourself.

Is your life precious to you?

If yes.

Then before investing this life into something, you must think today, that if I invest my life into this then after 20 years will it mean a lot to me?

After 40 years will it still mean a lot to me?

And at the end of my life when I turn back and narrate.

Will I be proud of this ‘or will I be ashamed of what I was doing?

It doesn’t matter what other people are saying.

But you shouldn’t do anything that you will be ashamed of.

Isn’t it?

It doesn’t matter people say so many things.

Everybody has an opinion, and it is their business.

But you should not do anything that you feel ashamed of.

This much pride and freedom you must keep in your life.

So, this is all you have to look at.

Remember one thing.

Something will get you money,

Something will get you comfort.

That’s not the point.

What you choose to do.

Will it give life to you?

When I say, life.

Are you just trying to make a living or are you trying to make a life out of this?

See ….

Making a living is not an issue. Even a bird, an insect, a worm, a bee, or an animal is making their life and making their living.

Isn’t it?

Making a living with a big brain is not an issue, earning your food is again not a problem.

But the only problem is

You want to live like somebody else.

That is an endless problem.

You want to live like others – this is a real problem.

And this creates pressure.

It’s very usual to hear that your father has a dream, he wants you to become an engineer. Your mother dreamt that you should become a doctor.

Please understand that this is their dream and they are not going to live your life.

Look I am not saying that we shouldn’t fulfill our parent’s dreams,

They are the most amazing people; they gave birth to us they grew us up they did so much for us, and we have a duty out of our genuine love and gratitude to serve them.

But when you come under pressure. You get puzzled and are distracted from your path.

One thing that you all should do, is to withdraw yourself.

Yes, you heard it right.

Withdraw yourself from the pressure of peers, professors, parents, and everybody before making a big decision in your life.

Take and spend some time of your life, maybe one week and look at it.

Look at it, what is it that, you want to invest this precious life into,

What is it that will be worthwhile today and worthwhile after 50 years for you to invest?

Invest your life into that, whatever it is, however small or big it is, it doesn’t matter

What it is that you really want to do and not under the pressure from other people matters.

Do that.

It doesn’t matter what other people think about it.

A whole lot of people today are deciding what to do depending on what they will get out of it.

Will I get this kind of lifestyle?

Will I get that kind of salary?

Will I make this kind of money?

This is the wrong approach.

Because this approach will have you everything, but you will have nothing at the end of life.

There will be no fulfillment in life. You will live a very poor life and there will be no growth.

The greatest killer of our growth is what society thinks we should be doing.

There are social standards of what you should be doing, socially it’s cool to have a job or a business.

Again, as a social standard, you should have a home at a certain location, have a certain car, wear certain kinds of clothes, and have a certain kind of hairstyle.

And we give so much importance to it because we want to be socially accepted.

In this whole gamut of social acceptance, we forget to make a simple calculation.

And this calculation is very important and is an eye-opener.

Assume you spend 8 hrs. at work daily.

It’s a very conservative number though, we spend way more than this.

If you work for 8 hrs. daily and you are working 5 days a week, that is 40 hrs. per week at work.

And assuming you took 2 weeks off holiday every year that is 50 weeks working.

That comes down to 2000 hrs. of yours at work.

And assuming you work for 45 yrs., then the further calculation comes down to 90000 hrs. of your life at work.

90000 hrs. seem to be a daunting number.

That’s the average is 10 yrs. of your life.

You need to be very sure whether you want to get into this 90000 hrs. of dissatisfaction or 90000 hrs. of cribbing and complaining

A very common statement you must have heard from your surroundings.

Saying I don’t like it.

This is not what I wanted to do


This is what my parents wanted.

Just because you are getting paid or in some cases getting paid more, you cannot be miserable for those 90000 hrs.

Furthermore, you can never achieve excellence.

Excellence only comes when you do something which truly resonates with your soul. You can be good at it. But it may not be fulfilling for you.

So, you need to be very wise while choosing your path, whether it’s a career path or your life path. It is the most precious path of your precious life.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”-Wayne Dyer.



Success Mindset comes with the Change Your State Of Mind– 



Change Your State Of Mind
Change Your State Of Mind


Anthony Robbins says that lasting change occurs when you are in an altered state. That is why he created 22 ways to instantly change your state. You can change your state by following simple actions.


  1. Fun- Fun is enjoyment, and fun is amusement. Having fun helps you to forget your worries. Do something just for fun.
  2. Freedom- Freedom is the state of being free. Take a  ferry ride, cruise on a yacht, dive in the water, or go for a long drive in your favorite car or motorbike. 


  1. Relax & Read- Become less tense or anxious. Books and articles change your state into a state of joy, happiness, and gratitude by reading books or articles.


  1. Movement- A movement is an act of moving or slight movement in the body. Movement of any kind changes your state.


  1. Words- Words are powerful. Word either gives us energy or depletes our energy. Notice the words you use when speaking.


  1. Meditate- Meditation is a vital way to purify and calm the mind. Meditation helps in rejuvenating the body


  1. Laugh- Laugh is the best medicine. Always laugh when you can. Children laugh an average of 300 times per day when compared with an adult


  1. Best Friend- Spending time with your buddies brings joy and positivity. Try and make out most of it.


  1. Smile- Smile is free therapy. A smile improves your mood. Recent studies say that smiling often rewires your brain to create a more positive design.


  1. Journaling- Journaling is writing in a journal or diary. Impacts on your physical health and helps in the removal of mental blocks, start journaling.


  1. Heart- A good Heart keeps you beautiful. Practice the art of gratitude daily to remain present, appreciative, and positive.


  1. Think Big- You have to think big to be big. Think big in life no one is stopping you from thinking big.


  1. Review- Review is essential for evaluation which is essential to progress. It’s time for you to review.


  1. Your Nearest And Dearest- Talk to the nearest and dearest one. They help us reach a resolution, they often can see something we have overlooked.


  1. Nature- Nature is the best spiritual teacher. Nature has the power to bring empathy, love, and emotional stability.


  1. Give- A phenomenal way to change your mood is to think about someone else. Help an elderly person cross the road, stand up and give a seat to the needed one on the bus, and volunteer in a charity organization.


  1. Change Of Scenery- Looking forward to, shifts your thoughts to the future and gives you something to be excited about it.


  1. Get In The Ring- Exercise is a great stress releaser and creates wonders. Indulge in any form of workout.


  1. Challenge- Challenge yourself, it is the only path that leads to growth. Set a new challenge to change your focus and excel in that different direction. 


  1. Drink- Many studies have proven that increasing your water intake improves your mood. Aim to drink an average of 2 liters daily.


  1. Chill- Chill is a mental mould. Do not take things too seriously.

It’s time to take a chill.


  1. Change- Change is inevitable. Change is constant. By doing different things and changing your routine, you change your life.

The change in your state of mind will make you go through various emotional levels. You experience all levels of emotional state.

It is very important to know the state of the emotional level.


Emotional Guidance Scale

Abraham-Hicks has described 22 emotions and he has described them on an emotional scale.

Here are the 22 most felt emotions, and as you go through the scale you understand, that individuals with the higher up the scale, are the happier, and the lower on the scale, are the unhappier ones.

So, what you need to do, is that you find the emotion where you are now.

And you speak, think, figure out and try to move up on the scale, one emotion at a time.

  • Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
  • Passion
  • Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
  • Positive Expectation/Belief
  • Optimism
  • Hopefulness
  • Contentment
  • Boredom
  • Pessimism
  • Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
  • Overwhelmed
  • Disappointment
  • Doubt
  • Worry
  • Blame
  • Discouragement
  • Anger
  • Revenge
  • Hatred/Rage
  • Jealousy
  • Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
  • Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness


Let’s understand and practice together. For example:


Let’s say you feel “depressed” (Emotion-22). You cannot improve your emotion, by jumping to


(Emotion-1) at once, in fact, it would be very hard to do that.


So, what you can do is you could think of thoughts that create feelings of perhaps “guilt” (Emotion-21) within you. Stay in that emotional state for some time till the time you really feel it, then climb up.


Now you can create feelings of “rage” (Emotion-19) within you with your thoughts.


Further on you can feel “blame” (Emotion-15), and then “disappointment” (Emotion-12), and so on.


Every emotion is an improvement, and you will always have to go upwards toward emotional number 1 which is – Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love


Try not to be at the lower part of the emotional scale, look through it and try to get to least number 7


You can make yourself feel differently with the right kind of thoughts and with the right kind of measurement.


Measure Everything


Measure Everything
Measure Everything


Measurement is very important.

“What gets measured, gets managed”

Just Imagine

Someone or maybe you walk into the gym, warm-up, hop on to a few machines, do a little bit of this exercise, does a little bit of that exercise, finish the workout, and leave the gym.

So, what is notable about this situation?

The person who has not measured anything has no basis for knowing if the individual is making progress or not.

Not tracking one’s progress is one of the major mistakes.

We all have areas of life that we say are important to us, but we aren’t measuring that.

As we know the things, we measure are the things we improve. It is through numbers and proper tracking that we get the idea of whether we are getting better or worse.

Our lives are shaped by how we choose to spend our time and energy each day.

Measuring can help us spend that time in better ways, more consistently.

Again, you can’t measure everything like Love, Morality, etc.

That’s true.

But even for things that can’t be quantified, measuring can be helpful.

And it doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming.

You can’t measure love, but you can trackways that you are showing up with love in your life.

Send a digital love note to your parents or love done each day (text, email, voicemail, tweet)

Now that you have received some information regarding success mindset, change of state of mind, emotional state, and measurement.

You need to rethink it in context to your career path journey and make the best use of it before making a concrete career decision.

Let’s dive in a bit more to understand the meaning and myth associated with a career.

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Career Research
Career Research







IRTSE : Quick and Useful Insight

Indian Railway Traffic Service Exam (IRTSE) is a Central Civil Service under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railway, Government of India. This was rechristened on March 4 ,1967. Earlier it was named as “Officer of the Superior Revenue Establishment of the Traffic, Transportation and Commercial Department of Indian Railways.


IRTSE exam is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment in the Department of Indian Railways. The Transportation Operation and the Commercial Wings of the Indian Railways is managed by this service.



Every year, UPSC conducts the Civil Service Examination (CSE) for more than 24 services, such as IAS, IPS, IFS and IRTSE by shortlisting the most suitable candidate for the same. The selection process goes through several screening starting with preliminary exam, main examination and interview .Selection is a yearlong process which starts in the month of June and ends in April, and the final list comes in the month of May.



The UPSC generally releases the notification of the Civil Services Examinations notification in the month of February. Aspirants willing to appear for this All Indian Services along with other services can apply the online by visiting the official website of UPSC.

Notification Month
Civil Service Examination Advertisement February
IRTSE- Online Application Form February to March
IRTSE – Preliminary Admit Card 2nd Week of May
IRTSE – Preliminary Exam October
IRTSE – Preliminary Result November
IRTSE -Main Exam January
IRTSE -Main Result February
IRTSE -Interview March to April
IRTSE -Final Result May


Eligibility Criteria : IRTS




1. Nationality

  • Candidate must be a citizen of India
  • Candidate must be a citizen of Nepal or a subject of Bhutan.
  • Candidate must be a Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962 for settling permanently in India.
  • Candidate must a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zaire with the motive to settle permanently in India.


2. Educational Qualification

  • Candidate must hold any Bachelor’s degree from any of the recognized universities. There is no minimum percentage required in graduation.
  • Candidate who have appeared for the qualifying exam and are awaiting results are also eligible.
  • Candidate with professional and technical qualification by recognized universities or its equivalent are also eligible to apply .


3. Age Limit & Number of Attempts

A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and maximum of 32 years to appear for the Civil Service Examination. The maximum age mentioned above is relaxable for the following candidates :

  1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) : 5 years
  2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) : 3 Years
  3. Defence Service Personnel : 3 years
  4. Ex-servicemen and ECOs/SSCOs who have served at least 5 years in Millitary Service as on 1st of August of the Notification Year : 5 years
  5. Blind, Deaf-mute and physically handicapped person : 10 Years.
Category Maximum Age Limit No of Attempts
General 32 Years 06
Other Backwards Castes (OBC) 35 Years 09
Economically Weaker Section(EWS) 32 Years 06
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 37 Years Till the age limit
Physically disabled candidates 42 Years For General and OBS candidates = 9

For SC/ST Candidates = Till age limit


IRTSE Officer: Roles & Responsibility

  • To coordinate the production and sale of the transportation output and manages the customer interface of railways.
  • To help in proper and easy transportation of the freight and passengers
  • To coordinate with various service department by looking after the assets of railways like track, wagons, engines, and signals.
  • The operational department function is to ensure safety and user friendly transportation of the passengers and freights.
  • The commercial department function is responsible for the revenue realization for various services offered by Indian Railways.
  • It is also responsible for sales, profit performance, pricing, promotion strategies to increase traffic.
  • It is also concerned with the provisioning of passenger amenities and redressal of customer complaints.


Career Graph of IRTS Officer

The highest position, an IRTS officer can desire for is the rank of Divisional Railway Manager (DRM). The following is the career path of an IRST Officer :

  • Foundational Training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBNAA), Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
  • IRTS probationers then go through the Centralized Training Institute (CTI)- Indian Railways Institute for Transportation Management (IRITM), Lucknow.
  • After this they visit to various institution to get better exposure.

Some of the institute are as follows :

  1. Operation & Commercial Training at Indian Railways Institute for Transport Management (IRITM), Lucknow.
  2. Railway Foundation Course at National Academy of Indian Railway (NAIR ), Vadodora.
  3. Operations Training at Zonal Railway Training Institute (ZRTI), Udaipur.
  4. Marketing Management and Transport Economics at Indian Institute of Management (IIM).
  5. Operation Research at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).
  6. Tourism and Hospitality management Training at Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation(IRCTC).
  7. Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Training at Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) Academy, Ghaziabad.
  8. Accounts Training at Centralised Training Academy for Railway Accounts (C-TARA), Secunderabad.
  9. Secretariat Training at Institute for Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTN), New Delhi.
  10. Ethical Governance Training at Initiatives of Change, Panchganj.
  11. Metro Rail Training at Delhi Metro Rail Corporation( DMRC), New Delhi.
  12. Military Logistic Training at Sena Bhavan, New Delhi.


The indicative hierarchy is given below (Top to Below) 

  • Divisional Railway Manager(DRM)/ Additional Divisional Railway Manager(ADRM)
  • Senior Divisional Operation Manager(Sr DOM)/ Senior Divisional Commercial Manager(Sr DCM)
  • Divisional Operation Manager (DOM)/ Divisional Commercial Manager (DCM)/ Advance Railway Manager(ARM)
  • Assistant Operation Manager(AOM)/ Assistant Commercial Manager( ACM)



UPSC conducts exam in three level as mentioned below.  The candidate has to clear all the 3 exam successfully to get the offer letter from Union Public Service Commission( UPSC)

  1. Preliminary Test
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview.


Stage One-Preliminary Test (400 Marks) 

  • The Preliminary Exam consist of GS (General Studies) & CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test).
  • Both the papers are objective type (Multiple Choice Question)
  • The question papers are set in Hindi and English language.
  • Blind candidate gets an additional 20 minutes of time for both the paper.
  • Candidate appearing in the preliminary test must qualify the cut off score to get oneself eligible for the mains exam.
  • There is a negative marking associated with the question asked in the exam.
Paper Type Number of Questions Total Marks Negative Marking Duration
General Studies I Objective( MCQ) 100 200 Yes 2 Hours
General Studies II (CSAT) Objective( MCQ) 80 200 Yes 2 Hours


Stage Two-Main Examination (2025 Marks)

  • Candidates who qualify the preliminary test are called for the Main Exam.
  • Main exam consists of 9 papers.
  • Paper A & B are qualifying in nature (Highlighted below)
  • The candidate needs to obtain at least 25% in each of the Paper I to Paper VII to be given weightage to the Main Exam
  • Paper A is not compulsory for the candidate belonging to the State of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim as well as the candidate from hearing impairment provided the fact that they have been exempted from such  2nd or 3rd language courses from their board or university.
  • The language paper consists of the languages included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
  • All the paper is bilingual – Hindi & English except for the language papers.


The written exam consists of the following papers:

Paper Subject Type Duration Total Marks
Paper A One of the Indian Language Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper B English Descriptive 3 Hours 300
Paper I Essay Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper II General Studies I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper III General Studies II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper IV General Studies III Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper V General Studies IV Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VI Optional I Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Paper VII Optional II Descriptive 3 Hours 250
Sub Total Marks 1750
Interview Marks 275
Grand Total Marks 2025


The subject which are covered in the General Studies in Main Exam are mentioned below 

General Studies I General Studies II General Studies III General Studies IV
Indian Heritage and Culture Governance Technology Ethics
History and Geography of the World Constitution Economic Development Integrity
Society Polity Bio-Diversity Aptitude
Social Justice Environment
International Relations Security and Disaster Management


The list of the Optional Paper VI and VII of the Main Exam is enumerated below

Agriculture Chemistry History Geography Mathematics
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Political Science and International Relations Mechanical Engineering Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Anthropology Psychology Statistics Physics Economics
Botany Sociology Law Medical Science Geology
Zoology Philosophy Civil Engineering Public Administration Management
Literature can be opted from any of the following language : Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit,  Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and English.



Stage Three- Interview (275 Marks )

The candidate who qualify the mains exam are called for the interview process. This is the last and final stage of the recruitment cycle before the final results are declared. The maximum marks in the interview is 275 thus accruing the total marks in the merit list to be 2025. UPSC board takes the interview which consist of competent panelist, who would judge the candidature on following ground :

  • Mental Attentiveness
  • Critical power of assimilation
  • Clear and Logical Interpretation
  • Balance of Judgement
  • Ability of social solidarity and leadership
  • Intelligent curiosity


Getting into a good job is a dream, you need to plan it before that.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable B-School for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.





Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


Please share your valuable inputs regarding the article. Also, help me develop other information guides by giving your suggestions.


You can comment in the section below for sharing your thoughts.


Career Counselling
Career Counselling








Career Research

Career Research and Its Importance

Do you know how important is Career and Career Research?



If your answer is ‘Yes’, Good to know that.



But in case your answer is ‘No’, then it’s advised to go through this article.


Ultimate Guide on Career Research
Download this in eBook Format

Meaning of Career


A career is what you do for a living and how you advance through a profession or company.


Career is the most integral element in everyone’s life and hence it is suggested that each one should choose it wisely.


Let us understand this by a very simple example.



For example, if you are good at Painting but you are not gaining any monetary benefits from it, then this will be considered as your hobby and not as your Career.


Similarly, if you start showcasing your artwork in exhibitions, art fairs, and festivals and start getting some reward out of it, then Painting becomes your Career. 



You start your career at the age of around 23-28 years and work till the age of 60-65 years.


On average most, individuals have a Career life of around 40 years. You are going to invest 80% of your life’s time in the job or business which we call a Career.



According to the Career change statistics, an average person changes their Career about 5-7 times in their working life.



The study also shows that 80% of the working professionals are not happy and satisfied with the work they are doing.



There is a tendency to change the Career even after 10-15 years of experience. 



Again, as per the survey, 93% of the Indian students are aware of only seven Career options out of 250+ Career options.



So, it is very important that you research properly before selecting the one. This can be taken care of by proper Career counseling and Career Research.


Benefits of Career Research


It helps us to make more informed decisions from others’ expertise and experience.


In the case of making career decisions Career Research is one way that renders support and constructive guidance in several ways : 

  1.       Discovers your strength and weakness.
  2.       Sets objectives and goals.
  3.       Decides the right career
  4.       Provides good resources
  5.       Combat and minimizes the frustration and confusions
  6.       Getting useful support and motivation.


Career Research Process


Career Research Process is an ongoing process that happens in several steps. This is not a one-time job. This consists of the following stages:


 Stage 1: Self-Assessment 

This stage is where you need to self-assess yourself on various traits like your interests, skill sets, personality, etc. You can self-assess with the help of several tools and techniques.


These can be done with the help of some of the test mentioned below :

  1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Test 
  2. Emotional Quotient (EQ) Test
  3. Adversity Quotient (AQ) Test
  4. Aptitude Test & Personality Test includes the following tests
  • Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) /16 Personalities Test.
  • Test Color
  • DiSC Assessments 
  • Berkeley Emotional Intelligence Test
  • PATH Assessment


Multiple Intelligence Test: This test involves the below-highlighted intelligence

  1.  Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
  2. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
  3. Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence
  4. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
  5. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
  6. Intrapersonal Intelligence
  7. Interpersonal Intelligence
  8. Naturalistic Intelligence
  9. Existential Intelligence

The result of this test gives you a detailed and clear description of each intelligence.


Psychometric Test:

A psychometric test is an assessment to evaluate an individual’s overall performance and not restricted to skills, abilities, personality traits, and Job potential. Some of the best Psychometric test used widely are listed below:

  1. The Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  2. 16 Personalities Factor
  3. DiSC
  4. Logical Reasoning Assessment
  5. Numerical Reasoning Assessment
  6. Verbal Reasoning Assessment.


After you have successfully completed these tests you come up with 5-10 Career options. This collected information will help you to make a decision.


This is the stage you need to take the help of your Parents, Teachers, Siblings, Mentor, etc. You need to narrow down your choices to 1-2 Career options.


Just, for instance, you came up with a final Career choice of Doctor and Lawyer.

Stage 2: Getting into their Shoes


You have to get into their Shoes to get an insight into the Career. 



What you need to do is you need to approach these professionals and spend 1-2 days with them.



Take a sneak peek at their work, their daily activities, responsibilities, salary, lifestyle, and ask their opinion regarding work-life, culture, and the sense of satisfaction from their work.



Make a list of questions and ask them what made them select this Career or Professions and what kind of preparation they have taken to get into this field.



Also get to know about their skillset, interest, abilities, natural inclination, hobbies.



You have to collect the responses from these professionals. Make a report of it, study and analyze it.

Stage 3: Mapping the Information


The most important step, you need to start mapping the information collected from these professionals (Doctors and Lawyers) with the information collected from your self-assessment. 


Stage 4: Overlapping


The overlapping section of the information between both the data mapped will help you in getting the best possible result.



This will draw a conclusion for you.



For example, you came with a final choice of becoming a Lawyer by Profession. Your Goal is finalized, now you need to reach that goal.



Stage 5: Taking Action


Start taking guidance from your Parents, Teachers, Mentor and make a roadmap to reach the set goal. There are several ingredients you need to work on to achieve your goal. 



As you have finalized on becoming a Lawyer. Start to find the core subject for the same, what the different entrance examinations are for getting into Law School or Colleges, find out the eligibility criteria, list out the names best Colleges and Universities, find out the application and selection process, etc.



Stage 6: Implementation & Final Call


This is the final stage which focuses on the execution and implementation of all the above-mentioned steps. This is your Final Call to just go and grab the opportunity.



Myths related to Career Research


There are myths in almost everything surrounding us and Career counseling is not an exception. Today we are going to highlight some of the myths regarding Career counseling. 


Myth 1: Choosing a Career is very simple and easy.


Myth 2: There is an age for Career Counselling.


Myth 3: Career counseling is only meant for school students.


Myth 4: Only unconventional careers need Career Counselling.


Myth 5: Career Counselling helps in getting jobs and placements.





Career Research is the most ignored practice by Students, Parents, Guardians, and Professionals. Though people find it not very important in reality, it should be considered as one of the vital practices.


It is the foundation that revolves around making the right academics and professionals.



Hope these have given you an in-depth knowledge of how to do Career Research before selecting the best fit for you.



It is advisable for each one to follow the process and get an insight into it before jumping into the final decision.


Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable option for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.




Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


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Career Research
Career Research









Career Research

Will the Concept of Career Counselling ever change the Mindset?

Have you ever given a thought to the concepts of Career Counselling and will it ever rule the mindset?

Career is of prime importance. A career is the most integral part of everyone’s life.

A career is an occupation or profession that one undertakes for a longer period in one’s life and derives a monetary benefit from it.  

Let’s take an example to understand the meaning of a career in a layman’s language.

If you are good at Astrology but you do not gain any monetary benefits from it, then this will be considered as your hobby and not as your career. Similarly, if you start consulting your clients and start getting some reward out of it, then Astrology becomes your Career.

Career Counselling
Career Counselling

On average, most individuals have a career life of around 40 years. You are going to invest 80% of your life’s time in the job or business which we call a Career. According to the career change statistics, an average person changes their career about 5-7 times in their working life. As per the survey, 93% of the Indian students are aware of only seven career options out of 250+ career options.

So it is very important that you research properly before selecting the one. This can be taken care of by proper career counseling.

Career Counselling

Career Counselling is an ongoing process that happens in several steps. This is not a one-time job. So it should be taken under the guidance of a good Career Counsellor. This consists of the following stages: 

Stage 1: Career Counselling -Initiation

This stage is very crucial and sensitive where the counselor has to develop the relationship and trust with the clients. This will help in getting to know about the students or clients.

The next step is to extract the information from the clients(Students/Parents etc.) and this can be done by the questionnaire and forms.

Stage 2: Exploration    

In the second stage of Exploration, the client is asked to give their own detailed analysis regarding the career options. Proper assistance is given for exploring the detailed analysis of the students by taking some of the assessment tests mentioned below :

  1.    Intelligence Quotient ( IQ) Test.
  2.    Emotional Quotient (EQ) Test
  3.    Adversity Quotient (AQ) Test
  4.    Aptitude Test
  5.    Personality Test
  6.    Multiple Intelligence Test
  7.    SWOT Analysis Test
  8.    Psychometric Test

Upon successful completion of these tests, you come up with 5-10 career options. Once you reach this stage you need to take the help of your parents, teachers, siblings, and mentor. This will help you to narrow down your choices to 1-2 options.

Just, for instance, you came up with a choice of Doctors and Lawyers. Now, go and approach these professionals and spend 1-2 days with them.

Take a sneak peek at the kind of their work, their daily activities, salary, lifestyle, and their opinion regarding their work life.

Make a list of questions and ask them what made them select this career and what kind of preparation they have taken to get into this field. Also get to know about their skillset, interest, abilities, natural inclination, hobbies.

The next step is very important. Start mapping the information collected from these professionals (Doctors and Lawyers) with the information of your assessment results. This will help you to come to a conclusion.

Stage 3: Decision Making

At this stage, the counselor’s job is to bring the students and the parents together on a common platform. This is the most critical stage in decision making which involves the selection of the best fit from a range of alternatives.

Stage 4: Preparation

This is the action plan and is going to be the real implementation of all the above-mentioned stages. Explore the roadmap to reach the destined career options. This pathway will have several ingredients like the eligibility criteria, entrance examination, colleges, universities, application, and selection processes.

Stage 5: Implementation

This is the final stage which focuses on the execution of the action plan with the career counselor.

Benefits of Career Counselling

No one is born perfect with all the information and knowledge and therefore each one of us needs guidance at some point in time. It helps us to make more informed decisions from others’ expertise and experience.

In the case of making career decisions Career Counselling is one way that renders support and constructive guidance in several ways : 

  1.       Discovers your strength and weakness.
  2.       Sets objectives and goals.
  3.       Decides the right career
  4.       Provides good resources
  5.       Combat and minimizes the frustration and confusions
  6.       Getting useful support and motivation.

The myth regarding Career Counselling

There are myths in almost everything surrounding us and career counseling is not an exception. Today we are going to clear the myth regarding career counseling in some of the points discussed below : 

Myth 1: Choosing a Career is very simple and easy.

Myth 2: There is an age for Career Counselling

Myth 3: Career counseling is only meant for school students

Myth 4: Only unconventional careers need Career Counselling

Myth 5: Career Counselling helps in getting job and placements

Career Counselling is the most ignored practice by Students, parents, and guardians. It is often considered and seen as the least important option but in reality, it should be considered as one of the vital practices which revolve around making the right academics and professional possibility.

Hope these benefits of Career Counselling have given you an insight into it. If you need any help and seeking guidance, then get in touch with an expert at




Career Planning plays an important role in shaping your career, so is the planning to choose the best suitable option for yourself. You need to focus on various aspects before jumping into a final decision.


Career path analysis helps you in getting the best road map. Get your career assessment test by appearing for the free student profiling process.




Click the link below and get an exhaustive career report and book for a free counseling session.  For Studying abroad in 15000+ across 20+ Countries visit the mentioned link.


Click: Start Study Abroad Profiling to get access to 15000+ Universities across 20+ Countries


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Career Counselling